Saturday, April 11, 2020

How does act 1 scene 5 and act 3 scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet affect the tragic ending of the play Essay Example

How does act 1 scene 5 and act 3 scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet affect the tragic ending of the play? Paper The well known play Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare, is about a young boy and girl who fall in love. They do not realise that they are from enemy families that have been involved in a long feud for many years. They first meet at a party held by Juliets parents the Capulets. Romeo and his other Monatgue friends have snuck into the party uninvited. The moment the two first meet they fall madly in love. They secretly meet and within a couple of days they are to be married. However as the family feud continues, more blood is shed as Tybalt (Capulet) kills Mercutio (Montague). Because of this Romeo seeks revenge by killing Tybalt. The prince banishes Romeo from Verona upon hearing the death of Tybalt or he too will have to face death. Romeo leaves Verona, as Juliet mourns for him not believing what he has done. Although Juliet still defends him, and becomes upset from the prospect of never seeing him again, and says she wants to die. Similarly does Romeo, however Friar Lawrence persuades him otherwise telling him that he will see Juliet again. However, Juliets parents are forcing her to marry Paris, as they do not know she is already married to Romeo. She goes to Friar Lawrence and he comes up with the idea of a sleeping potion that will make her appear dead. Everyone is busy preparing for the wedding when the nurse finds Juliet dead, they soon turn to funeral arrangements. Romeo hears from Balthasar that his love is dead, and so he visits an apothecary. He asks him for a lethal poison, and although the apothecary doesnt want to sell it to Romeo, he desperately needs the money. From this act of greed Romeo goes to the tomb were Juliet lies. At the same time the Friar has sent Romeo a letter informing him of their plan, and that Juliet isnt dead. But sadly Romeo doesnt receive it. We will write a custom essay sample on How does act 1 scene 5 and act 3 scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet affect the tragic ending of the play? specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on How does act 1 scene 5 and act 3 scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet affect the tragic ending of the play? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on How does act 1 scene 5 and act 3 scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet affect the tragic ending of the play? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Paris sees Romeo opening Juliets coffin to see her one last time and at this he thinks he is going to vandalise it. The pair begin to fight and Paris dies. Romeo realises that Paris was to be Juliets suitable match and lays him in the coffin with her as a mark of respect for him. Seeing Juliet lying in the tomb, he takes his own life with the poison. Juliet then awakens to find Romeo dead with the empty bottle in his hand and tries to kiss him taking the poison from his lips. This doesnt work, so she takes Romeos sword and stabs herself. When the prince discovers the story of the two lovers, he makes the Montagues and the Capulets agree to end the feud, and the Capulets erect a gold statue of Romeo and the Montagues one of Juliet to symbolise their forgiveness. At the beginning of the play we see Sampson and Gregory two servants of the Capulets, and Abraham and Balthasar servants of the Montagues fighting in the street. The fight soon becomes bigger as Benvolio (Montague) and Tybalt (Capulet) join in. The prince of Verona hears of the fight and quickly goes to the scene. He makes a powerful speech warning of a death penalty if there are any further fights between the two families. We first meet Romeo as a lovesick boy who has fallen for Rosaline, however she does not reciprocate his love. Benvolio, a close friend of his tries to tell Romeo that he should try to forget Rosaline, and look for another woman. Meanwhile Capulet is discussing the possible marriage for his daughter to Paris. The capulets are holding a party later that night in order for the couple to meet and see if they are well suited. Juliet decides to have an open mind on the possible marriage. Romeo and his friends are out in the street when a servant asks for their help to read who the invitations are for, he sees that Rosaline is invited, so hoping he will see her he and his friends go to the party uninvited. We are now at act 1 scene 5, which is set at the Capulets party in their house. Romeo and his friends have snuck into the party disguised in masks. When he first sees Juliet for the first time he asks the serving man for her name. He then goes on to say how beautiful she is compared to the other women in the room. He states that she is like a white dove among a flock of crows. He then plans to go over to her when the dance has finished and touch her hand with his unworthy one. He then questions himself asking if he had ever really loved anyone before he met her. This shows us that he has already forgotten about Rosaline, and now this stranger to him has stolen his heart. It also shows us that he realises that maybe his feelings for Rosaline werent that strong after all. The measure done, Ill watch her place of stand, And, touching hers, make blessà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½d my rude hand. Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For I neer saw true beauty till this night. From hearing the young boy talking, Tybalt recognizes that it is a Montague behind the mask. This, by his voice, should be a Montague. -Fetch me my rapier, boy. Capulet sees Tybalt is angry, and asks him why. Tybalt tells him that a Montague has come to the party. Capulet asks if it is Romeo and Tybalt replies Tis he, that villain Romeo. Capulet then tells his nephew to calm down, and to ignore Romeo. He tells Tybalt that Romeo has a reputation as a well behaved young man and that he will not disgrace him in his own home. Tybalt doesnt agree with Capulet, which angers him telling Tybalt he will respect his decision and tolerate Romeo being here. Tybalt backs down against his uncle, but swears he will take revenge on Romeo another time. Romeo and Juliet now talk for the first time. Romeo and Juliets first fourteen lines are from a sonnet. Romeo takes Juliets hand and says her hand is like a holy place where he is unworthy of visiting. She replies that by holding her hand he is showing devotion, and pilgrims touch the hands of statues of saints, so holding one palm against another is like a kiss. He then questions her by saying dont saints and pilgrims have lips too? She says yes-but those lips are for the use of prayer. To that he says let lips do what hands do, and that he is praying for her to kiss him. He asks her to make his prayer come true so as he doesnt loose his faith. She says that the saints do not move even when they grant the prayers. To which he replies dont move while I act out my prayer. With this he kisses her, and states that his sin has been taken from his lips. To which she asks if her lips now have the sin from his? To which he takes his sin back with another kiss. With that they are parted from one another as Juliet is rushed away to talk with her mother. Romeo asks the nurse who is her mother, to which the nurse delivers the bad news that she is the lady of the house a Capulet. Romeo shocked with what he has heard says to himself Is she a Capulet? O dear account! My life is my foes debt. Similarly Juliet is now asking the nurse who several of the men at the party are in order to disguise her true purpose of finding out who Romeo is. When the nurse does not know who Romeo is, she makes her go and ask. She quietly to herself hopes that he is not married stating she would rather die than marry anyone else. When the nurse returns she tells her His name is Romeo, and a Montague, The only son of your great enemy. Juliet too is shocked that he is a Montague saying Prodigious birth of love it is to me, That I must love a loathà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½d enemy. This shows us that she too has fallen for Romeo, and like wise he has fallen for Juliet. The two star crossed lovers who have now fallen in love after not knowing their true identities cannot stop their over powering feelings for one another. Because they are forbidden to see and mix with one another, they have to do it in secret, which would make their decisions more irrational and erratic. Also because they have fallen madly in love, people can often do things they wouldnt normally, and love can often cloud their better judgement. After act 1 scene 5 we see Romeo ignoring the dangers of climbing into Juliets orchard unnoticed he hears Juliet confessing her love for him. He reveals himself, and the pair declare their love for one another. At this they decide to get married. Juliet tells Romeo she will send a messenger in the morning to tell him of the plans for their wedding. The next day Romeo visits his friend Friar Laurence, who hopes the marriage will end the long feud between the families. The nurse meets with Romeo as Juliets messenger and tells him they will be wed later that day. She brings Romeo cords which he can use to climb into Juliets bedchamber on their first night as husband and wife. This leads us to act 3 scenes 1, set under the sun and the public eye. Mercutio and Benvolio are bantering about Benvolio being hot blooded, when Tybalt, Petruchio and other Capulets walk over to them. He says he wants to speak to Romeo, and he knows that they consort to which Mercutio get offended, saying they are not in a band, but he could make him dance with his fiddlestick-meaning his sword. Benvolio then says that they are talking in a public place and they should do this else where, so as people cant see them. To which Mercutio replies Mens eyes were made to look and let them gaze. I will not budge for no mans pleasure At this Romeo comes into the scene and Tybalt says Well, peace be with you, sir. Here comes my man. Tybalt tries to rile Romeo by calling him a villain, which Romeo simply answers, Tybalt, the reason that I have to love thee Doth much excuse the appertaining rage To such a greeting. Villain am I none. Therefore, farewell. I see thou knowst me not. Tybalt does not take Romeos peaceful approach seriously and tells his to draw his sword. Romeo refuses to draw, for without Tybalts knowing he is now part of his family as he is married to Juliet. However Mercutio says he will fight Tybalt and draws his own sword. Tybalt agrees to fight Mercutio but Romeo protests telling Mercutio to put his sword away. But the two men begin to fight so Romeo decides he must take action and calls to Benvolio Draw, Benvolio. Beat down their weapons. Gentlemen, for shame! Forbear this outrage. Tybalt, Mercutio! The Prince expressly hath Forbidden bandying in Verona streets. Hold, Tybalt! Good Mercutio! As Rom eo tries to break up the fight Tybalt craftily reaches under Romeos arm and stabs Mercutio. Tybalt and the other Capulets run away, leaving Mercutio to die. Mercutio cries a plague on both your houses as he blames their on going argument for his injuries. Romeo stays with his friend trying to explain he thought he was doing the right thing. Sadly Benvolio speaks the news that Mercutio is dead. With this Tybalt re-enters the scene, and Romeo says, its time for rage to guide my actionsMercutio soul is floating right above our headsEither you or I, or both of us have to go with him. With his revenge in the form of anger Romeo and Tybalt fight, Tybalt is struck and falls to the ground and dies. Benvolio tells Romeo to leave. The prince is called and so are the Montagues and the Capulets. The prince hears from Benvolio what has happened and makes the decision to banish Romeo from Verona, immediately saying Mercy but murders, pardoning those that kill. Showing he will no longer tolerate murderers in his city under any circumstance. If Tybalt hadnt come looking for Romeo, he would not have fought Mercutio after Romeo refused. This would of spared the life of Mercutio, which in tern would have saved Tybalts own life that Romeo took in revenge. If this hadnt of happened Romeo wouldnt have been banished from Verona, so there would be no need for Juliet to take the sleeping potion to appear dead. This would mean Romeo wouldnt need to receive a message about the Friars plan as it would not exist, so therefore he would not visit the apothecary under false pretences to buy the lethal poison in which he uses to kill himself. As well as this Pariss life would also be spared, as he would not be at the tomb side of the supposedly dead Juliet. And lastly Juliet would not be forced to commit suicide as her one true love, would too not have needed to take his own life in order for the couple to be together. To conclude I think that Tybalt is the most to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. I dont think it is his fault entirely as he has been bought up thinking that the Montagues are enemies, but due to his uncontrollable anger more lives were lost that were uninvolved in the feud. Because Tybalt refused to listen to Romeos reasoning his actions led not only to his deaths but the separation and the tragic ending of the two soul mates. As the prince said, For never was a story of more woe Than this of Juliet and her Romeo. All this tragedy could have been prevented if the families sorted out the feud a long time ago, and allowed Verona to become a city of peace, rather than the host of an ongoing war.